Catch us at the following community events!

Interested in having Metro Bike Share support your event? Reach out to us! Email

CicLAmini -Watts

This year, CicLAvia is launching CicLAmini- a more compact neighborhood event! A CicLAmini is a more pedestrian-oriented experience (biking still allowed!) featuring activities sprinkled along the entire 1 mile open street event. The Metro Bike Share team will be present at the hub. Metro Bikes will be available to check out on a first come,... Read more »

Metro Art Community Ride: Journeys by Bike

Union Station West Portal 834 N Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join Metro Art and Metro Bike Share for a special multimodal community ride celebrating Bike Month through art! Journeys by Bike is a free community ride hosted in collaboration with Metro Art. The ride will begin at Union Station and showcases the newly installed exhibition “Journeys Continued: LA Communities Through the Eyes of Artists.” Participants... Read more »

Ocean Front Walk & Navy Pop-Up

Ocean Front Walk & Navy Ocean Front Walk at Navy St, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Beach season is all year long in Venice! Visit the team at Ocean Front Walk & Navy on Sunday, May 28, from 12 pm to 2 pm to learn how you can use Metro Bike Share for oceanfront bike rides all year long.

Wiltern Pop-Up

Wiltern 650 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Interested in learning how to avoid the hassle of parking your car the next time you go to a live event in Koreatown? The team will be at the Wiltern (Wilshire & Western) on Wednesday, June 7, from 10 am to 11:30 am to answer all things bike share.

LA River Farmer’s Market

Los Angeles State Historic Park 1245 N Spring St., Los Angeles, United States

Join us at SEE-LA’s LA River Farmers’ Market on Thursday, June 8, from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm to learn more about Metro Bike Share and take home a FREE insulated market tote with your fresh finds! With dozens of stations nearby, Bike Share is a great way to see LA State Historic Park, grab... Read more »

Hoover & 32nd Pop-Up

Hoover & 32nd 3175 South Hoover Street, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Trojans, take advantage of summer break to explore Los Angeles by bike! Ride today with Metro Bike Share! The team will be at University & Hoover on Friday, June 9, from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. Fight On with a Free 30-minute ride!

7th & Flower Pop-Up

7th & Flower 700 Flower Street, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Learn more about your commuting options and visit us at 7th & Flower on Friday , June 9, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. We will be handing out Metro Bike Share swag so see you there!

Union Station West Portal Pop-Up

Union Station West Portal 834 N Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Let Metro Bike Share help you plan your morning commute! Visit us at Union Station on Thursday, June 15, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm where you can meet the team and learn how to incorporate Bike Share into your travels.

1st & Central Pop-Up

1st and central 369 E. First Street., Los Angeles, CA, United States

Get ready for the upcoming opening of the Regional Connector transforming your trips across LA by signing up for Metro Bike Share! The team will be at 1st & Central on Thursday, June 15, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm to walk you through the entire sign-up process to hop on and ride.

Make the Connection Pop-Up

Make the connection! To celebrate the Metro Rail's 3 new stations, join us this Saturday, June 17, 2023, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the following three locations: Little Toyko/Arts District Historic Broadway Grand Av Arts/Bunker Hill The Metro Bike Share team will be at all three locations providing information about how to connect... Read more »