Boost Your Ride.
Add some kick to your commute with an Electric Metro Bike. The pedal-assisted, electric bikes expand opportunities for riders to complete their first/last mile connections from farther distances with less effort required to pedal.
Casual riders can unlock Electric Metro Bikes for $1 and ride for $1.75 every 30 minutes. 30-Day, 365-Day, Business and Reduced Fare Passholders can unlock Electric Metro Bikes for no additional fee year-round!
Electric pedal-assist motor. The Electric Metro Bike is powered by a mid-drive pedal-assist motor capable of speeds up to 17 mph with an electric “boost." This is perfect for climbing hills, shortening your commute, or just covering more ground!
Easy-to-find power button. Turn on the electric assist by pressing the power button on the display located on the handlebars. Make sure the bike is at a standstill before you press the power button, or else it won’t turn on! When you’re finished riding, return the bike to a station by giving it a firm push into the dock, and you're good to go!

Safety Tips
Just like Classic Metro Bikes, you’ll want to follow the rules of the road. The Electric Metro Bike is a pedal-assist electric bicycle and can reach speeds up to 17mph with assistance. The motor only engages when you pedal. You and others on the road may be surprised by how fast the electric bike can go, so be mindful of your speed and surroundings. Higher speed increases the risk of a crash. Warning: if you are in a crash, you could be injured or killed.
Always wear a helmet. People under 18 are required to wear one by law. For more tips, check out our Riding Tips.
Ride Today
How to find Electric Metro Bikes.
Metro Bike Share stations that have Electric Metro Bikes docked at them display a green lightning bolt symbol above the station icon on the station map or app.
How to check out Electric Metro Bikes.
Check out Electric Metro Bikes the same way you check out regular Metro Bikes, regardless of which pass type you have. If you are a pass holder, you can use the Metro Bike Share app, your TAP card, or look up your account with your phone number at a station to check out a bike. Or you can purchase a pass with your credit or debit card at the station.

Ready to ride? Check out these videos.
Always properly return your Metro Bike to end your trip. Never leave a Metro Bike unattended during your trip. Riders will be charged penalty fees up to $2,500 for missing or improperly docked bikes. Report missing or stolen Metro Bikes to 844.857.2453.